Imgui macos

Imgui macos. GLFWmonitor** glfw_monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitors_count); #if __APPLE__. It is typically 1 on windows, and 0. Read the part "C++ / Python porting advices" to see how easy it is Oct 6, 2023 · imgui/cci. Tested on Windows 8, Mac OSX, Ubuntu 14. 2. I'm using Xcode and I have an m1 mac. Dear ImGui is designed to enable fast iterations and to empower programmers to create Support for Windows, Linux, macOS. By default, you do not need to add HelloImGui as a dependency to your project, it will be downloaded and built automatically during CMake configure time. Dear ImGui Bundle is a quick-start and all-batteries-included framework to create cross-platform apps with Dear ImGui. Then the code identifies that it is backspace and decrements the cursor value, so cursor value remains the same (1-1 = 0). Jan 15, 2024 · This is just hidden from the user in most occasions. 3 and OpenGL 3. With ImStudio, you can easily create and edit ImGui widgets and layouts, and export them as C++ code. ImGuiFontStudio is a tool for Subset font and extract glyph names for use embbeded or not in a software, especially for use with ImGui for embedded way. In the imgui implementation I did at the last studio I was at, there was a slightly different design for how windows and input were setup. cpp; imgui_impl_sdl. It enables to easily create ImGui applications in C++ and Python, under Windows, macOS, Linux, and emscripten (and also iOS). spair » imgui-java-app Apache. 0, show how to use Veldrid in Maui, WPF, dotnet6. ImGui library was designed to be copied directly into the project. It also seems to have most of the SDL features as well, such as events, user input with keyboard and mouse, and others. This project aims to generate go wrapper for Dear ImGui. Available backends # Feb 14, 2015 · Dear ImGui is funded by your contributions and needs them to sustain and grow. Native binaries for imgui-java binding for 32bit Windows with Freetype support. 🎉3nuuSolutions, g-tejas, and ivantishchenko reacted with hooray emoji. Apr 6, 2021 · This is true on Windows and on Mac (probably on Linux too?). Basic lua scripting support. zig-gamedev git: (main) zig version. Note that import imgui defaults to imgui. If your company uses Dear ImGui, please reach out. Mar 12, 2018 · This means that to get shap fonts, at least with the current settings, you need to load the font at 2x the size, and then set ImGui::GetIO(). The status bar is renderer on top of existing windows. New Sep 14, 2022 · Hi, I did manage to fix this particular issue by adding the following code to ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateMonitors() right after. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Xresources) for regular screens. Works on Linux, Windows, macOS, emscripten, iOS and Android (OpenGL only). While most widgets are not native, FLTK provides a seamless interface to native file choosers on all platforms, which goes a long way towards making the resulting apps About this manual. My Issue/Question: How to render Vulakn's scene to ImGui window? Jul 6, 2022 · pyimgui is available on PyPI so you can easily install it with pip: pip install imgui[full] Above command will install imgui package with additional dependencies for all built-in rendering backend integrations (pygame, cocos2d, etc. This should be fix. [zgpu] High-performance device has been selected: Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. So e. Mar 6, 2021 · ReaImGui is a ReaScript binding and REAPER backend for the Dear ImGui toolkit. Bundle. Describe alternatives you've considered. 0+, the MenuBarExtra struct allows you create a system menu bar, that is similar to NSStatusBar's icons and menus. This project use FreeType as default renderer. IMGUI is a code-driven GUI system, and is mainly intended as a tool for MTEngineSDL is a SDL2+ImGui engine for macOS, Linux and MS Windows. May 14, 2023 · When I open my application on my left monitor (screen coordinates are negative, relative to the main monitor) then when I try to move the ImGui window out of the main application window - it disappears right when the window starts going out of the main window bounds. 0 / pixel_ratio;. Namely, SimBrief Helper, and SmartCopilot 3 plug-ins, for example. My Issue/Question: When switching to fullscreen via the standard keyboard shortcut ⌃⌘F, the application crashes, asserting in imgui_impl_metal. spair » imgui-java-natives-windows-x86-ft Apache. 49. Unity currently supports three UI systems. Dear ImGui is a powerful library with an easy to use API which integrates into 3D-pipeline enabled applications almost seamlessly. When using ImGui, this info is stored inside ImGui::GetDrawData()→FramebufferScale. The issue doesn't happen on the main monitor (with positive screen coordinates). In any case, follow the build instructions given in the HelloImGui Starter Template. GetClipboardTextFn (and everything which calls into imgui_impl_osx. cpp + imgui_impl_Vulkan. This leaves a gap under the main menu bar and cause some flickering. Views to net6. One-off donations via PayPal: dear imgui (AKA ImGui), is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. Written by Christian Treffs and 4 other contributors. currently this wrapper is based on version [1. Sylvyrfysh commented Feb 13, 2019 via email . 👍 1 gaborpapp reacted with thumbs up emoji. ImStudio is a real-time GUI layout designer for Dear ImGui, a user-interface library for C/C++ that supports various features such as tables, sliders, color pickers, and more. Dear ImGui is one possible implementation of an idea generally described as the IMGUI (Immediate Mode GUI) paradigm. ImFrame. //if this happens we abort updating monitors but keep WantUpdateMonitors Once built, examples can be run from the bin directory. 0+ and Xcode 14. Apr 16, 2017 · Hello, PushFont() currently needs to be called after ImGui::NewFrame(). 106, using the ImGui source from 2019-June-7). 5 on macOS What happens is inside imgui_widgets. This project is based on RG. cpp Operating System: MacOS. h really), need to be executed on the main thread to avoid potential crashes and synchronization issues with macOS frameworks, as especially AppKit must only be This is the Kotlin rewrite of dear imgui (AKA ImGui), a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. h) are wrapped. ui aims to provide simple GUI software development in Go, based on my c lib libui. docking. 1 watching Forks. [layout] cmake_layout. In order for Dear ImGui to “work”, it needs some host window and a rendering loop for its widgets to live in, and SDL provides all that. The list of available command line options can be brought up with --help: -v, --validation: Enable validation layers. zig-gamedev git: (main) zig build procedural_mesh_wgpu-run. The examples/ folder is populated with applications doing just that. You signed out in another tab or window. The widgets are simple but easy to customize, and the speed is truly excellent. 90. But in the end it came down to: Allow the gui to run fully an arbitrary number of times between Jan 25, 2024 · FLTK is an excellent cross-platform ui toolkit, very small but extremely stable and well designed. IOS Build Support. I just re-cloned the repo to make sure I had no cache issues. h; You can take a look at full CMakeLists. 10. h (an optionally imgui_internal. ImStudio also provides examples and documentation to help you get started with ImGui. Compiler: Xcode Clang 12. It is aimed at application developers, researchers, and who want to quickly develop apps and May 12, 2023 · set(IMGUI_SOURCES imgui/imgui. FontGlobalScale is a factor by which fonts glyphs should be scaled at rendering time. imgui-sys: Low-level unsafe API (automatically generated) Next, we provide two example renderers, and two example backend platform implementations: imgui-winit-support: Backend platform implementation that uses the winit crate. Notes: You cannot change DisplayFramebufferScale manually, it will be reset at each new frame, by asking the platform backend. -vs, --vsync: Enable V-Sync. trayhost is a cross-platform Go library to place an icon in the host operating system's taskbar. io. txt” file: Feb 17, 2024 · Swift wrapper around Dear imgui for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows. Nov 22, 2020 · MenuBarExtra (macOS Ventura). Dear ImGui is designed to enable fast iterations and to empower programmers to create We chose to use imgui. Jan 13, 2015 · 10. 0. So let’s create a cross-platform application using GLFW and add a Dear ImGui to it. main. GLFW. macOS instructions# If you prefer to build regular terminal executables (not app bundles), use the cmake option -DHELLOIMGUI_MACOS_NO_BUNDLE=ON. "Free license for commercial use" is the primary reason people pick wxWidgets over the competition. For the 3 Os (Win, Linux, MacOs), the cMake usage is exactly the same, Choose a build directory. 1929+963ac6091. The last issue was closed about 1 year ago and the last pull request was merged/closed 2 months ago. It outputs optimized vertex buffers that you can render anytime in your 3D-pipeline enabled application. OpenJDK. It runs online via emscripten, but can run as well on desktop and mobile platforms (via hello_imgui) See also a related demo for Implot, which also provides code navigation. If you don't want to install all additional dependencies you can always use bare pip install imgui command or Dear ImGui: Using Fonts. Even the above issue is fixed, there will be potential problem: project A use glew + glfw. Did you know? If you need an excuse to pay, you may buy licenses for Test Engine and that will contribute to fund Dear ImGui. 4 forks Report repository Sep 29, 2023 · 12. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. ImFrame is a lightweight framework designed to provide you with a window and graphical backend for the Dear ImGui library. Bobo0801/imgui-macos-template. Check the build modules included in the current Unity version. 6. txt --build=missing. cpp imgui/imgui_demo. Aug 4, 2022 · Macos Metal C++ #5544. Small and Efficient. The two can communicate via an obj-c library ( article about this ), but the languages are quite different, so it's a bit awkward. It comes with a default backend with GLFW 3. JNI based. Debug gui using ImGui; 3D collision detection - cuboid/sphere/pyramid. However, font rendering may appear poor and 1. -br, --benchruntime: Set duration time for benchmark mode in seconds. 20230105+1. wxWidgets, Qt, and Ultimate++ are probably your best bets out of the 15 options considered. cpp imgui/imgui_widgets. Operating System: macOS 11. cpp imgui/imgui_draw. ). After researching quite a bit for something similar, I came across nanovg, nanogui, imgui Oct 21, 2023 · Added NanoVG: see python bindings, code of python demos, code of C++ demos, online full demo, online simple demo, and API for integration with ImGui. Dec 1, 2023 · A rather simple trick, but useful nonetheless: ImGui::CheckboxFlags is not only useful for flags, but for multi editing as well. This in turns produces sometimes calls to ImGui::Render that are not paired with their respective ImGui::NewFrame. License All shared libraries found in lib directory are built on top of these products and are available under the terms of the MIT License. SetClipboardTextFn, and io. txt # The app's CMakeLists ├── hello_imgui_demodocking. 5 of Dear ImGui with internal api] only functions, structs and enums from imgui. HgGamer started this conversation in Build/Link/Run/Fonts issues ONLY! HgGamer. And then there is the hi-dpi scaling factor ( Xft. Aug 24, 2018 · ImGui example sets IO. FontGlobalScale = 1. FontGlobalScale# ImGui::GetIO(). core such that we can still use imgui. RemoteImGui: send vertices over the network (2014-2022) Jun 26, 2019 · Conclusions. json / launch. This doesn’t necessarily mean that something’s wrong with the app. 13+ and iOS 11+ Topics. The core of imgui-rs consists of: imgui: High-level safe API. Here’s how you can plug Dear ImGui into SDL (based on this example): Aug 4, 2019 · GLFW is almost the same thing as SDL - a way to create windows and OpenGL contexts. No dependencies, no problems. hello_imgui_democking/ ├── CMakeLists. If you have multiple objects selected in an editor and want to edit all of them at once, you can do this for checkboxes: set bit value 1 if any of the objects has the option set. cpp is BIG, it is the result of including in one file imgui, sokol, and all the dependencies. CMakeToolchain. My solution is change draw_data->FramebufferScale at function SetupViewportDrawData. In development for 4 years, with 255 commits and 11 releases. json { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. (2024) github/Eragon-Brisingr/ImGui_WS. Jun 20, 2022 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Sep 3, 2021 · I get graphical clashes with plugins that use the ImGui lib for interface drawing under Mac OS Catalina/Sur and X-Plane 11. For each widget, you will see the corresponding demo code (in C++. DisplayFramebufferScale = 1. 5. . Mar 6, 2022 · DickyQi commented on Apr 1, 2022. All public API was carefully implemented with Java usage in mind. 3D audio using OpenAL. mm file where you can mix C++ and Objective-C. w32. Unlike more traditional GUI frameworks, Dear ImGui is designed to be integrated into existing applications with a real-time graphics rendering loop, like you'd typically find in videogames. ProggyClean does not scale smoothly, therefore it is recommended that you load your own file when Mar 24, 2021 · First: Duplicate BeginMainMenuBar () Position it at the bottom of the host window. Update imgui to v1. Is there a platform-independent way to apply a scale factor to the entire imgui interface? On high DPI (Windows) and Retina (macOS) displays, my GUI elements are too tiny, and I'd like to provide a way to scale the elements accordingly. -w, --width: Set window width. instead of seeing a hardcoded height of 500 for a given item/window, you may want to use 30*ImGui::GetFontSize()instead. The code for this manual is available here. 89. Tip. To Reproduce On macOS, cd into imgui-glow-renderer and run cargo run --example 01_basic: Output Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target( ImGui with Libgdx on Mac OS X #55. 1-docking; Update implot, imgui_test_engine, imgui-node-editor; Python The CMakeLists. The code in imgui. The imgui interface doesn't show up on my M1 Mac either. cpp. Readme Activity. NET. Jan 5, 2019 · Use build_imgui_macos. cpp # its source code │ │ ├── assets/ # Anything in the assets/ folder located │ └── fonts/ # beside the app's CMakeLists will be embedded │ └── Akronim-Regular. g. If your company is using Dear ImGui, please consider reaching out. imgui_app. Integrating Dear ImGui within your custom engine is a matter of 1) wiring mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs 2) uploading one texture to your GPU/render engine 3) providing a render function that can bind textures and render textured triangles. SwiftGUI is an API inspired by SwiftUI DSL, using Dear ImGui as renderer and running on macOS 10. mm, line 523: // Apply scissor/clipping rectangle. Contribute to TKazer/OS-ImGui development by creating an account on GitHub. I realize it may be practical or common to try to call it at initialization time, will look if I can change it but it will probably create issue if the user try to symmetrically call PopFont() on application shutdown. Multi-Viewports / Docking Branch. In macOS 13. Closed Copy link Collaborator. May 26, 2019 · imgui_impl_opengl3. Updating your own copies is trivial though, just copy the new files from the original repositories over the files contained here. original code is: draw_data->FramebufferScale = io. Use a MenuBarExtra when you want to provide access to commonly used functionality, even when your app is not act Jun 13, 2019 · Hello community ! I’ve been developing audio apps for iOS/macOS for 10+ years now. Apr 17, 2024 · About the IMGUI paradigm. Android SDK & NDK Tools. Stars. swift gui imgui declarative-ui swiftui This project convert veldrid-samples and Veldrid. More info See in Glossary System. DisplayFramebufferScale in ImGui_ImplGlfwGL3_NewFrame, to be used then for draw_data->ScaleClipRects(io. txt file will download and build hello_imgui at configure time, and make the "hello_imgui_add_app" cmake function available, if hello-imgui is not found;. Dear ImGui; cimgui (C bindings for Dear ImGui) Sokol Headers (only what's needed) I'm not planning to do frequent updates to newer versions of those files, so the versions contained in here may be behind. You signed in with another tab or window. Binding has a small memory footprint and uses direct native calls to work. Android instructions# The Android version uses SDL + OpenGLES3. As a self learning man i always developped my softs in solo. It is fast, portable, renderer agnostic and self-contained (no external dependencies). It is based on Dear ImGui, a Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies. This is my first big opensource software. SetPlatformImeDataFn, io. 0-macOS, it use a VeldridView let you can use Gpu draw 3D graphics in Maui. It’s packed with all sorts of widgets and can be a great tool to make debugging software such as profilers, loggers or object editors of any kind. Useful information to take into account to consume this library: Mar 17, 2021 · SDL_GetDrawableSize = 100, 100. To run this demo in your browser, launch ImGui Manual. sh, etc. This produces more or less the same thing as calling ImGui::Begin without calling ImGui::End. Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. [generators] CMakeDeps. Hello! I want to use imgui in a c++ only project, I tried the metal backend, but I'm not sure how to use it. Application wrapper for Dear ImGui. Reload to refresh your session. cpp embeds a copy of 'ProggyClean. Sep 15, 2015 · Splitting the ImGui::EndFrame() out of ImGui::Render() would definitely solve this state issue in that case. See Funding & Sponsors page. go is a simple example on show to create Windows GUI by using the syscall package. HelloImGui is a library that enables to write multiplatform Gui apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, emscripten; with the simplicity of a "Hello World" app. This is mainly because "Retained Mode" GUIs have been so widespread and predominant. Build your application using Hello ImGui # To build an application that uses HelloImGui, you can either place HelloImGui inside your project (for example as a submodule), or it can be downloaded and built automatically by cmake. internal, which gives access to very few (to be increased in future) internal DearImGui functions such as push_item_flag() and pop_item_flag(). ) UImGui (Unity ImGui) is an UPM package for the immediate mode GUI library using ImGui. Feb 2, 2024 · 4. Thanks a lot to ocornut for their amazing Dear ImGui which is used for building the entire interface Thanks to epezent for ImPlot used to plot data in various places; Thanks to Nelarius for ImNodes used as base for the data processor; Thanks to BalazsJako for ImGuiColorTextEdit used for the pattern language syntax highlighting Features. ttf # on mobile devices and emscripten │ │ ├── android/ # android/ is where you customize Mar 21, 2020 · @Hovushka I can confirm that SDL2+Vulkan worked for me last summer (using both Sierra and High Sierra with MoltenVK/vulkan sdk 1. 2D collision detection - Box2D. Jul 10, 2022 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly A simple imgui library for easy use. Aug 4, 2022. 13. Second: Manually create a dockspace with a vertical size of -30px (for the status bar). For this reason I'm writing GUI part in Objective-C and core part in Rust. 10 and Debian 7. So, for example, a 100x100 window, will have a drawable of 100x100 and a window size on screen of 100x100, and although SDL_GetDisplayDPI returns 2, our DisplayFramebufferScale is now 1: everything is rendered at high DPI and we are happy, with 1:1 pixels on the screen. I know what I did wrong, will be fixed in an hour or It will typically be (2,2) on a macOS retina screen. #5544. The “Immediate Mode” GUI system (also known as IMGUI) is an entirely separate feature to Unity’s main GameObject-based UI (User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. In general, you can write a C++ interface in your . Oct 27, 2023 · I'm using imgui with the GLFW renderer, in Python. About. Plugging Dear ImGui into SDL. Fully Featured. ttf' (by Tristan Grimmer), a 13 pixels high, pixel-perfect font used by default. h; imgui_impl_sdl. This requires an actual compilation every time the project is rebuilt (meaning taking more time), as well as requiring configurations per file in case of using project-wide precompiled-header. Local ImGui UI for Stable Diffusion. Aug 10, 2021 · Back-ends: imgui_impl_sdl. //waking MacOS from sleep sometimes causes glfw to report 0 monitors. Greatly inspired / based on the project IconFontCppHeaders. ImGui Java App. ImGui Java Natives Windows X86 Ft. It works on macOS(arm64/x86) and windows(x64) now, idealy linux should works but I don't have a linux machine to test it. launch. CMakeLists. Rust can easily generate C-compatible Jan 19, 2024 · Dear ImGui Bundle is a comprehensive bundle for Dear ImGui , featuring various powerful libraries from its ecosystem. GUIs designed in Interface Builder work best if you use bindings, but bindings assume Objective-C. Macos Metal C++. Mac Build Support (IL2CPP) 2. 16, latest X-Plane version 11 updated (also fresh installation), and literally nothing else, not even (custom In this case, imgui [opengl3-glbinding-binding,glfw-binding] is actually built as imgui [opengl3-glew-binding,glfw-binding], resulting glew symbols in the imguid. To anticipate future developments, I am currently looking for an alternative, for a well maintained, clean and future proof UI widget library. Support for OpenGL/Vulkan. imgui. h for the headers to make the project compatible with other exisiting imgui code. Now, you can run this Conan command to locally install (and build if necessary) this recipe and its dependencies (if any): $ conan install conanfile. 0-dev. txt here. dpi on Linux, usually set in a file called ~/. Try not to compile every time on your project :) Mar 15, 2022 · Back-ends: imgui_impl_Vulkan. Set bit value 2 if all objects have ImGui_WS: Unreal ImGui_WS plugin provides the ability to display debugging information from the unreal engine on remote web pages and also supports packaged games. In the same manner Dear ImGui provides a simple way to create tools for game developers, Dear PyGui provides a simple way for python developers to create quick and powerful GUIs for scripts. It demonstrates all the widgets, together with an example code on how to use them. There is 1 open issue and 6 open pull requests. I’d love to read your feedback! An online interactive manual for ImGui. Add to Safari. ScaleClipRects() with the values calculated right above. Feb 17, 2023 · Prefer to express values as multiple of reference values such as ImGui::GetFontSize()or ImGui::GetFrameHeight(). mm file to solve this language interaction. 7 star rating. lib file. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. ImGui project. Android Build Support. Last Release on Apr 12, 2021. 1 Jul 30, 2023 · Use the following code on the main window to create a new child window But the new window disappears immediately bool show_dialog = true; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(400, 200)); ImGui:: This repository also enables you to get a feel of how easy it is to write ImGui applications by allowing you to write and run your own code in 3 minutes, without even downloading or installing anything: it runs on a dedicated cloud server on gitpod. github. On macOS, the visible windows and widgets sizes will appear consistent when switching from a high-DPI screen (for example a Retina screen) to a standard screen. 0. The Immediate Mode GUI paradigm may at first appear unusual to some users. Check if multiple Unity processors are turned on : No problem. Backspace key code= 127 is stored in a queue, and it passes the filter as a valid key, what this does is increment the cursor value in the state structure. For example, some apps were written before developer ID registration began. Native communication layer made with generated JNI code. We can invoice and accommodate to many situations. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. I'm using a fresh clean install of Zibo 3. DisplayFramebufferScale) Go example skips IO. core, which contains core functionalities and is equivalent to the old imgui namespace. Resources. hpp file and put your implementation in a . ImGuiFontStudio. imgui-sdl2-support: Backend platform using SDL2. DisplayFramebufferScale (since it's (almost) only a storage variable to ImGui) and the example calls drawData. io (which is free to use), so that you do not even need a compiler. It adds over 390 API functions (more than 900 including constants!) for creating multi-window GPU-rendered user interfaces in Lua, C++, EEL or Python. xxx() as before. Features embedded PNG metadata, Apple M1 fixes, result caching, img2img, and more! Resources Jun 17, 2023 · When using ImGui on macOS, certain ImGui callbacks, such as io. (called here my_build_directory for instance) and Choose a Build Mode : "Release" / "MinSizeRel" / "RelWithDebInfo" / "Debug" (called here BuildMode for instance) Run cMake in console : (the first for generate cmake build files, the second for build Jun 13, 2022 · I was able to fix the issue by updating tasks. cpp ) Step 5: Link the IMGUI Library To link the IMGUI library with your project, add the following lines to your “CMakeLists. 4 stars Watchers. txt. Rendering 3D models with PBR shading. Sep 18, 2021 · Describe the bug The 01_basic example panics on macOS. We embed it in the source code so you can use Dear ImGui without any file system access. Libraries like ImGui and GLFW will mix Objective-C code with C++ in a . I was using an internal widget library which is too cumbersome to maintain. if you are interested in imgui backends you should look LuaJIT-ImGui project. This REAPER extension plugin can be installed using ReaPack via the default ReaTeam Extensions repository. cpp + imgui_impl_metal. DisplayFramebufferScale; modified code as: draw_data->FramebufferScale = ImVec2 (floor (viewport->DpiScale), floor (viewport->DpiScale)); Feb 1, 2024 · Dear ImGui demo (and manual) Dear ImGui comes with a complete demo. 1. See compilation instructions in the HelloImGui Starter Template Under the hood, it uses the immediate mode paradigm and your computer's GPU to facilitate extremely dynamic interfaces. However, the app has not been reviewed, and macOS can’t check whether the app has been modified or broken since it was released. Designed to facilitate the creation of applications in C++ and Python across Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and emscripten (Web apps), it is ideal for application developers, and researchers eager to dive into GUI This repository also enables you to get a feel of how easy it is to write ImGui applications by allowing you to write and run your own code in 3 minutes, without even downloading or installing anything: it runs on a dedicated cloud server on gitpod. Using imgui 1. json. yv go ne bg om ue xc rd at jg