Gstreamer capsfilter example c. 生成したファイルを実行します。.

Gstreamer capsfilter example c. ru/c6i1/impact-recorder-apk-for-android.

Gstreamer capsfilter example c. 0 videotestsrc ! ‘video/x-raw, format Aug 8, 2018 · The requirements are 1920x1080@30fps. Dec 9, 2019 · I'm trying to use the element audiofirfilter in a gstreamer pipeline. "U16BE" 16-bit unsigned PCM audio. Dec 7, 2017 · The entire cpp file is posted below, in case the issue is located somewhere I wouldn't guess. for example i want to change the resultion from 800x600 to 640x480 Pixel. Sets or merges caps on a stream's buffers. mkv ! decodebin ! ffenc_mpeg4 bitrate=5000000 ! rtpmp4vpay mtu=1400 pt=96 ssrc=0 timestamp-offset=0 seqnum-offset=0 send-config=true ! tcpserversink host=0. Korey. It's doesn't respect the syntax and video/x-raw-yuv it's not a plugin. c. My first target is to create a simple rtp stream of h264 video between two devices. When building a pipeline programmatically, Caps filters are implemented with the capsfilter element. "S16LE" 16-bit signed PCM audio. identity when it is going to re-timestamp buffers by datarate. This process in GStreamer can in most cases find an optimal solution for the complete pipeline. Feb 13, 2007 · 5. The basic use pattern of a device monitor is as follows: static gboolean. Classes extending this base class will usually be scheduled in a Feb 25, 2023 · GstRtspSink Pipeline. GStreamer has the capability to output graph files. After a while, a Bin (a Cluster of Elements) which receives and decodes Audio coming from the Network via RTP is created, added to the Pipeline and linked to the audiomixer. capsfilter. The applications it supports range from simple Ogg/Vorbis playback, audio/video streaming to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing. This post is specifically about the plugins. 0 --gst-debug-help to obtain the list of all registered categories. Explore Teams I should mention that it works with a playbin and SDP file. And it must be done by a single-board-computer (Raspberry). mov ! x264enc ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host=127. audio. In this section we explain how this works. By default rtspsrc will negotiate a connection in the following order: UDP unicast/UDP multicast/TCP. We also need a videorate element to set timestamps on all buffers after the first one in Negotiation. Chromium breaks the colors of the video signal. And the debug levels are: /* GStreamer * Copyright (C) <2003> David A. This article part -2 shows the rest of the basic concepts required to use GStreamer, mainly Gstreamer multi-threading Example launch line. 10 command shown above. h> #define HOST "127. Sep 23, 2015 · The GStreamer app works with 'plugins'. In below pipeline, metasrc element is used, injecting a sample metadata "hello" into the pipeline. I am trying to stream video using TCP. #include <glib-unix. Capsfilter when setting caps on outgoing buffers that have none. gst_element_link_filtered(pipel. Example. Register the callback: In this mode, a * buffer of exactly the amount of bytes given by the need-data signal should be * pushed into appsrc. Any of them can be accessed independently. If used together with an image decoder, one needs to use the caps property or a capsfilter to force to caps containing a framerate. They are composed of an array of GstStructure. Nov 15, 2022 · Next we need to actually write the code for the project, create a new file called sender. For example, if you add the plugin x264enc almost magically you add the capability of encoding Jun 25, 2007 · As another answer said, add element videoscale after decodebin and add capfilter to specify framerate. A pad can be viewed as a “plug” or “port” on an element where links may be made with other elements, and through which data can flow to or from those elements. Now we can start to code, first we need to include the headers needed: #include <gst/gst. videorate. 0 filesrc location=movie. function to be called with the negotiated caps and video infos Apr 2, 2013 · I want to change the output/input resolution of my Webcam using gstreamer. g. I apologize for non-relevant code. 1 port=5000. The correction is performed by dropping and duplicating frames, no fancy algorithm is used to interpolate frames (yet). I assume some are obsolete. 1 s=Session streamed by GStreamer i=server. /fisheye. org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of As a more realistic example of adding Sources to a playing Pipeline, this Example creates a Pipeline with an audiotestsrc and an audiomixer. I managed to get the following pipeline working (when the jetson was plugged into a screen). For now without luck. For managing different paths depending on received caps, you can use switchbin. Based on what REQUEST pads are requested from the session manager, specific functionality can be activated. Jun 12, 2020 · discover videocrop plugin from Good Gstreamer plugins. Jul 27, 2020 · 3. always_in_place flag is not set, or there is no transform_ip function; Element will receive an input buffer and output buffer to operate on. And the client pipeline is: A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Reads buffers from sequentially named files. How to discover the internal structure of media files, using gst-discoverer-1. We will consider a live example of H264 Jul 14, 2023 · GStreamer is the Swiss-army knife for creating, editing, broadcasting and consuming multimedia. 0 script works. Example pipelines gst-launch-1. You can do caps filtering by inserting a capsfilter element into your pipeline and Caps negotiation is the act of finding a media format (GstCaps) between elements that they can handle. Flips and rotates video. 0 videotestsrc ! capsfilter caps = video / x - raw, format = GRAY8 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink. This element takes an incoming stream of timestamped video frames. You set filtered caps on a link by putting a capsfilter between two elements and specifying your desired GstCaps in its The tutorials are currently written only in the C programming language, so you need to be comfortable with it. Caps are exposed on GstPadTemplates to describe all possible types a given pad can handle. #include <gst/app/gstappsink. Setting this property is mandatory in the random-access mode. * For the stream and seekable modes, setting this property is optional Example elements. It will produce a perfect stream that matches the source pad's framerate. They are composed of an array of <gst-structure> . 0 -v ximagesrc ! nvvidconv ! nvv4l2h264enc ! h264parse ! video/x-h264, stream-format=byte-stream Mar 8, 2019 · audiotestsrc --> lamemp3enc --/. answered Dec 11, 2023 at 16:21. Filter/Effect/Video. This class is mostly useful for elements that cannot do random access, or at least very slowly. videoflip. You can do this with a capsfilter element. My pipeline is Example launch line. It changes between GStreamer 0. "U16LE" 16-bit unsigned PCM audio. Let’s try to decode. Jan 24, 2018 · I'm writing experimental gstreamer apps in C++ on Linux. They are composed of an array of GstStructure plus, optionally, a GstCapsFeatures set for the GstStructure. 0 --no-position libcamerasrc ! capsfilter caps=video/x-raw,width=1920,height=1080,format=NV12 ! v4l2convert ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video3. Jul 15, 2019 · So I have a simple program saving video to file using gstreamermm, the c++ bindings for gstreamer. "S8" 8-bit signed PCM audio. I would like to open a video stream by OpenCv and push frame by frame inside a DeepStream pipeline to use tesornRT to make an inference on Yolov3 model, but i do not know how to make it works. Makes a connection to an RTSP server and read the data. &#39;Base&#39; GStreamer plugins and helper libraries. Playback tutorial 5: Color Balance. How I image solution. Playback tutorial 6: Audio visualization. path0::caps="video/x-raw" path0::element="videoconvert" \. GStreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. Problem is, I can’t get my gstreamer program to work the same way that a gst-launch-1. Caps negotiation basics. 0. 0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! switchbin num-paths=4 \. The following table describes the Gst properties of the Gst-nvvideoconvert plugin. decode = gst_element_factory_make("decodebin", "decodebin"); Have the same names set to decodebin Thats why one of the decodebins are not even being added to the pipeline. I cannot find the syntax in C for doing this. rtspsrc strictly follows RFC 2326 and therefore does not (yet) support RealMedia/Quicktime/Microsoft extensions. gst-launch-1. You can see it below. 0’ — Building a tutorial Gst provides some tutorials, you can clone using the command below Dec 14, 2022 · In your case, gstreamer. Dec 14, 2023 · Gst Properties. The following values can be used for the format string property. Playback tutorial 3: Short-cutting the pipeline. 0 -v filesrc location=c:\\tmp\\sample_h264. 0` If you need help to run this code, refer to the Running the tutorials section for your platform: Linux , Mac OS X or Windows . do_set_info def do_set_info (filter, incaps, in_info, outcaps, out_info): #python implementation of the 'set_info' virtual method. videomedian. sh t=0 0 a=tool:GStreamer a=type:broadcast m=video 4444 RTP/AVP 96 c=IN IP4 127. May 12, 2020 · Having a good knowledge on Gstreamer will be of great help for your projects. If you want, for example, a specific video size and color format or an audio bitsize and a number of channels; you can force a specific GstCaps on the pipeline using filtered caps. The Novacut project has a guide to porting Python applications from the prior 0. AFAIU this should be done by providing those as caps to the payloader element. They are also stored in the <gst-registry> along with a description of the <gst-element> . Here you need to add the device location. Basically rtspclientsink "handle-request" signal only works for requests originated from server. GStreamer C++ Basics. Normal mode. Caps (capabilities) are lighweight refcounted objects describing media types. static gboolean busCallback(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *message, gpointer data); GStreamer::GStreamer(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickItem(parent) {. You don't use capsfilter in between videoscale and videosink in the bin and the linking. However mp4 cannot hold raw video, so we need to encode it with for example x264enc which makes our data "video/x-h264". To test, I added a --test flag which is just “fakesrc num-buffers=50000000 ! fakesink”. 1. (PCのディスプレイをwebカメラで Feb 15, 2024 · First thing to do is to create the pipeline that will inject metadata into the GStreamer pipeline. By default the element will simply negotiate the same framerate on its Jan 8, 2024 · There are several points in your question. GstPushSrc. x releases should follow. sink, filtercaps); gst_caps_unref(filtercaps); answered Oct 19, 2015 at 21:03. The KLV stream is then muxed with the video and sent over RTSP. Note that this may contain multiple structures (though not likely recommended), but each of these must be fixed (or will otherwise be rejected). Following is the server pipeline: gst-launch filesrc location=<movie>. The GstDeviceMonitor will create the appropriate GstDeviceProvider objects and manage them. I mean, I add after Oct 2, 2013 · gst_element_factory_make("capsfilter", "random_name") then set its caps property with the width and height you require. 0` -o fisheye fisheye. The duration to capture is 10 minutes. Then we can finally mux this into our mp4 with mp4mux element. 生成したファイルを実行します。. h> /* * an example application of using appsrc in push mode to create a video file. They are also stored in the registry along with a description of the element. You can change it to something else. c -o basic-tutorial-1 `pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-1. Applications can take advantage of advances in codec and filter technology transparently. I want to set the attributes of the extension (e. There are different versions and sets of plugins available. The command to access the USB webcam is this: gst-launch-1. This works! This tutorial has shown: How to build and run GStreamer pipelines from the command line using the gst-launch-1. If the video sink selected does not support YUY2 videoconvert will automatically convert the video to a format understood by the video sink. For dGPU: Pixel location: left:top:width:height of the input image which will be cropped and transformed into the output buffer. 0 port=5000. This tutorial targets the GStreamer 1. Feb 13, 2017 · #include <string. (For the moment I only capture 10 seconds for testing) In general the camera (usbfhd01m from ELP) is able to provide an MJPEG stream in 1920x1080@30fps. Jul 19, 2015 · 0. Jul 21, 2010 · For example GST_DEBUG=2,audio*:5 will use Debug Level 5 for all categories starting with the word audio, and 2 for all the others. Improve headphone listening of stereo audio records using the bs2b library. * * In all modes, the size property on appsrc should contain the total stream * size in bytes. 202571746 4797 0x893ae00 WARN basetransform gstbasetransform. Here we focus on using appsrc and appsink for custom video (or audio) processing in the C++ code. May 10, 2020 · Gstreamer is a framework designed to handled multimedia flows, media travels through source (the producers ) to sink ( the consumers ), passing series of intermediate elements to perform all tasks. color space properties for the example below). I'm trying to follow the directives that I found here, but still nothing This is my code : #include <gst/gst. Capabilities negotiation is the process of deciding on an adequate format for dataflow within a GStreamer pipeline. Feb 22, 2022 · Looks like if I specify a caps property in the appsrc launch string, caps is not NULL and can be traversed to describe the user-specified capabilities. 0 autovideosrc device=/dev/videoX ! autovideosink. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Caps taken from open source projects. As a convenience, the echo canceller can be tested using an echo loop. #include <gst/app/gstappsrc. Basic tutorial 10: GStreamer tools already explained how to use Caps filters with gst-launch-1. 1) how to use clockoverlay and add it in pipeline ? I know its cap filter but couldnt able to find example for it? 2) Where to correctly add caps for videorate. Jetson: gst-launch-1. Feb 10, 2018 · Livestream From USB Webcam. You could do putenv () before gst_init (). If it's not a plugin, so how to create it in C/C++ Plugins. Oct 28, 2023 · I want to read and show video from file any format, also edit video frame data, for example, drawing rects. In attempting to create an appsrc to emit algorithmically generated frames, I found online several ways to set the appsrc's source pad caps. 10 based on the gstreamer-0. It works but the problem is that when I need to shut down the pipeline, telling the mainloop to quit doesn’t seem to work like it does with other pipelines. The jetson nano will be running headless and streaming to a surface pro. Caps are exposed on <gst-pad-template> to describe all possible types a given pad can handle. After this tutorial, you will have the necessary knowledge to start the Playback tutorials. How to find out what GStreamer elements you have available and their capabilities, using the gst-inspect-1. There are couple of things on which I am completely clueless. adding this line will make it work. You will see an example of filtered caps later in this manual, in Manually adding or removing data from/to a pipeline. The principle remains the same: we are building in a decoding pipeline, but now we are using the GStreamer library and glib-events. So if you need also other processing beside grabbing the h264 frames (like playing or sending via network), you would have to use tee to split the pipeline into two output branches like example gst-launch below. 0 though. If the video sink chosen cannot perform scaling, the video scaling will be performed by videoscale when you resize the video window. Samples are a huge pain in the ass compared to buffers but oh well. Can anyone help me please? This code should display the video stream from the webcam: gcc basic-tutorial-1. Next we'll define a method for each of the filters, in this tutorial I will show you how to implement Feb 21, 2020 · The signal emit function for handle-request is called from a part of the code meant to work as rtsp server while rtspclientsink is a RTSP client that starts by sending ANNOUNCE + sdp (instead of DESCRIBE). If you're using GStreamer 1. avi ! decodebin ! videorate max-rate=5 ! autovideosink. This element does not modify data as such, but enforces limitations on the data format. It will then post messages on its GstBus for devices that have been added and removed. A solution is to set a capsfilter in gstreamer, in terminal I can do it like this: gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! 'video/x-raw-yuv,width=1280,height=720,framerate=30/1' ! xvimagesink. Playback tutorial 8: Hardware-accelerated video decoding Jul 7, 2021 · My final application will render to a texture which I want to stream using gstreamer’s RTP plugins. c:2335:gst_base_transform_handle_buffer:<clrspace> could not get buffer from pool: wrong May 6, 2016 · I am trying to see if encoding from our camera using monochome videois faster than RGB (Seems like it would be). In such situations, GStreamer is used mainly for encoding and decoding of various audio and video formats. Unset the variable to disable this facility. If join is TRUE, then the incoming caps' mime-type is compared to the mime-type (s Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly To obtain . That is, a buffer's caps are updated using (fields of) caps. c:1627:gst_base_transform_prepare_output_buffer:<clrspace> pad-alloc failed: wrong-state 0:00:00. 0 pulsesrc ! webrtcdsp ! webrtcechoprobe ! pulsesink In real environment, you'll place the probe before the playback, but only process the far end streams. 0 -v videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink. I searched the docs and the mailinglist for examples, but there is only one that, unfortunately, I can't compile due to some missing pieces (I'm on an embedded system). . 0, we are doing the same thing within our application. We need sequence of elements: filesrc -> decodebin -> videoconvert -> autovideosink decodebin decodes video data from any format to x-raw and sends to videoconvert. May 18, 2012 · I found out that it is a problem in gstreamer. 1 API to 1. 10: audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2,width=16,depth=16,endianness=1234,signed=true for GStreamer 1. multifilesrc. 1". 1 a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000 Can be used to play the stream like this: Here are the examples of the python api gst. 1 Overview. Use gst-launch-1. Otherwise image decoders send EOS after the first picture. Gateworks has chosen to use the GStreamer-imx plugins for the following reasons: Pads. Jun 20, 2017 · rtspsrc need for dynamic adding of pad as in the example: // RTSP pad added handler void GstWork::rtsp_pad_added_handler (GstElement *src, GstPad *new_pad,gpointer Feb 13, 2020 · When the videotestsrc is not running as a live source, it will pump out frames as fast as it can, updating timestamps based on the output framerate configured on the source pad. Some may be for the old gst 0. They are used to negotiate links and data flow between elements in GStreamer. Try: gst-launch-1. capssetter. Feb 2, 2021 · 1, Use appsink instead of filesink and feed the data from file using filesrc. Extract and expose as a stream the CODEC alpha. Caps (capabilities) are lightweight refcounted objects describing media types. Example launch line. rtspsrc. cpp and open it up in your favorite text editor. Playback tutorial 4: Progressive streaming. Dec 11, 2015 · I am writing program using gstreamer-0. v4l2src ! x264enc tune=zerolatency ! h264parse ! capsfilter caps="video/x-h264, mapping=${MAPPING1}" ! sink. Jan 19, 2023 · I want to add header extensions to the RTP packet; therefore I created an extension using the new GstRTPHeaderExtension class introduced in GStreamer v1. When viewing the stream, a synchronized A/V video should render. Schleef <ds@schleef. 0 videotestsrc ! video / x - raw, format = GRAY8 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink. Performs object tracking on videos and stores it in video buffer metadata. 次のように魚眼化されます。. I don't understand in the pipeline above this : video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240,framerate=(fraction)10/1. Caps are lightweight refcounted objects describing media types. Playback tutorial 7: Custom playbin sinks. Here we include the GStreamer header file and if your using Linux GstCaps. Playback tutorial 2: Subtitle management. For example, format conversion from YUV to RGB with videoconvert. Ideally, negotiation (also known as "capsnego") transfers information from those parts of the pipeline that have information to those parts of the pipeline that are flexible, constrained by those parts of the pipeline This session can be used to send and receive RTP and RTCP packets. Most gstreamer plugins have different input and output formats. gst - launch -1. The source usually prefers to push out a fixed size buffer. 0, you use samples instead of buffers. Now when we know how to use gst-launch-1. The following pipeline combines a H264 video and an AAC audio stream into a single mapping. Jul 27, 2015 · 17. h> #include <gst/gst. I'll give both: for GStreamer 0. This module has been merged into the main GStreamer repo for further development. I find example code that's not labelled as to gstreamer version. ogg ! oggdemux ! theoradec ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! autovideosink Decode an Ogg/Theora and display the video. h>. If you want to get fancy, you could can replace the default log function, gst_debug_log_default(). When I run that pipeline Feb 15, 2021 · 5. Elements * that are suitable for implementation using #GstBaseTransform are ones * where the size and caps of the output is known entirely from the input * caps and buffer sizes. Here’s the crux of it: My gst-launch-1. The session manager currently implements RFC 3550 including: RTP packet validation based on consecutive sequence numbers. Explanation: Videotestsrc generates raw video which is in GStreamer terms called "video/x-raw". OpenCV is banned. They are also stored in the GstRegistry along with a description of the GstElement. RTSP supports transport over TCP or UDP in unicast or multicast mode. decode = gst_element_factory_make ("decodebin", "decodebin"); and. 10 and GStreamer 1. Add property max-rate to videoscale works as well. 202645907 4797 0x893ae00 WARN basetransform gstbasetransform. c -o hello_world ‘pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-1. video. Apply a median filter to an image. After 4 and 6 seconds Feb 25, 2023 · GstRtspSink Pipeline. May 24, 2021 · I'm using this command to send the camera output to a v4l2loopback device (/dev/video3) and it works well but I don't know how or if I can tune the camera: Code: Select all. - gst-plugins-base/capsfilter Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 0 tool. Knowledge of the GObject and GLib libraries is not mandatory, but will make the Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 4, 2010 · I'll just give you the long version, you can drop or change the parts you don't need. 0 will create a . * from buffers we push into the pipeline. The following pipeline sends two different H264 streams through two different mappings: stream1 and stream2. Caps are exposed on GstPadTemplate to describe all possible types a given pad can handle. #include <gst/gst. PORT=12345. Equivalent to. Burn adjusts the colors in the video signal. The device monitor will monitor all devices matching the filters that the application has set. I am just not able to store it. Jan 4, 2012 · Returned, stopping playback 0:00:00. May 8, 2023 · gcc hello_world. By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate. 10) to arrive. I am newbie with gstreamer and I am trying to be used with it. 264 and a videotestsrc element, but it can be easily changed to GStreamer open-source multimedia framework. Even though C is not an Object-Oriented (OO) language per se, the GStreamer framework uses GObject s, so some knowledge of OO concepts will come in handy. Pads are an element's input and output, where you can connect other elements. You do this by adding your own via, gst_debug_add_log_function(); then remove the default, gst_debug_remove_log_function(gst_debug_log_default). For example this file: v=0 o=- 1188340656180883 1 IN IP4 127. Maintenance of the SSRC participant database. Subclasses usually operate in a format that is different from the default GST_FORMAT_BYTES format of GstBaseSrc. Limits acceptable video from videotestsrc to be grayscale. An application can, for example, use “filtered caps” to set a specific (fixed or non-fixed) video size that should stream between two pads. Aug 16, 2023 · At the top of the file, include the headers that will be used by this project. コンパイルと実行. 281 4 15. 0 -v filesrc location=videotestsrc. This example uses h. "U8" 8-bit unsigned PCM audio. dot files, simply set the GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR environment variable to point to the folder where you want the files to be placed. 20. For example, the imxvpudec is a VPU based decoder plugin. "S16BE" 16-bit signed PCM audio. 0 API which all v1. 下記コマンドでコンパイルし、実行ファイルを生成します。. h> #include <gst/app/gstappsrc. The main GStreamer site has Reference Manual, FAQ, Applications Development Manual and Plugin Writer's Guide. qDebug() << "Constructed GSteamer"; This tutorial does not replace but rather complements the official GStreamer tutorials. Type of memory to be allocated. This will output a test video (generated in YUY2 format) in a video window. videoscale, pipel. hpp>. Jan 20, 2015 · In this situation you don't write your own while loop. implement own videocrop plugins using Python; learn algorithm of caps negotiation; use plugins: videotestsrc, xvimagesink, videoconvert; Introduction. Contribute to GStreamer/gstreamer development by creating an account on GitHub. 0 pipeline looks like this, and runs fine, creating a monochrome video mp4 file: gst-launch-1. In this configuration, one would expect a single echo to be heard. gstreamer. This is good enough for me: Oct 22, 2020 · Programming an application with GStreamer C/C++ API. A plugin comprises of elements that can do work on a media stream. 1 and not to be used. You can rescale into a given resolution using videoscale. gstreamer demo. In GStreamer, negotiation of the media format always follows the following This tutorial shows the rest of the basic concepts required to use GStreamer, which allow building the pipeline "on the fly", as information becomes available, instead of having a monolithic pipeline defined at the beginning of your application. Adjusts brightness, contrast, hue, saturation on a video stream. You register callbacks and wait for buffers (GStreamer 0. These include elements that directly transform * one buffer into another, modify the contents of a buffer in-place, as * well as elements that collate multiple input Oct 26, 2014 · In the tutorial it said that we create a pipeline like this : gst-launch plugin [parameter=value ]* {! plugin}*. 0: audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,channels=2,layout=interleaved Caps. #include <opencv2/opencv. dot file at each state change, so you can see the evolution of the caps negotiation. "S24_32LE" 24-bit signed PCM audio packed into 32-bit. Playback tutorial 1: Playbin usage. Add the following header imports to the top of the file: #include <iostream>. Contribute to cuilf/gstreamer_example development by creating an account on GitHub. If this is not known in advance, you will need to setup a pad probe on the pad from which you need to copy the width and height, intercept the caps event and set the caps on the capsfilter at that moment. libtool --mode=link gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-1. I am using these two pipelines: Sender: gst-launch-1. ru vq gb lz gd rd pm yc vk hq